Created by Desalgn Gebrie (Dezy), Dezy's Adventure Tours—Ethiopia was founded to give travellers from around the world a taste of Ethiopia in the most safest and memorable way possible.
Graduating from Tourism school, he worked within the industry for more than 12 years as an Associate Managing Director in a well-known tourism company where he gained invaluable experience and reputation.
It was his experience, entrepreneurship and leadership skills that ultimately brought him to start Dezy's Adventure Tours—Ethiopia right here in beautiful Ethiopia!
We are professionals and consequently capable of designing tailor-made programs for individuals and groups giving the flexibility that clients demand.
Thanks to our personalized attention to each customer and competitive prices, we assure satisfied clients.
We are committed to a responsible Sustainable Tourism by working directly with the Communities.
We have a diversity of available trips in all their forms: Adventure, Ecotourism, Cultural, Nature and so much more.